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Monday, August 3, 2009

Zumba Fever

I've ditched the workout and have joined the party--the Zumba party (I just love that slogan!). Zumba seems to be the latest exercise craze. Gyms across the nation are offering these booty shaking, Latin music thumping, dance-based aerobic workout classes. My gym, unfortunately, seems to be one of the last workout facilities to jump on the bandwagon but luckily I have a friend who teaches classes at a nearby dance studio (Saratoga School of Dance).

So most Mondays and Thursdays (at 1 p.m.--in case you want to come) you can find me trying to get my Latin groove on and my heart rate up. This is where I leave my pride at the door and try to do fancy foot work while shaking my money maker. And I am telling you, the meringue, tango, and salsa are tough to master. It is like rubbing your belly and patting your head at the same time. It requires coordination and concentration--which I seem to lack these days.

I always thought of myself as someone who had rhythm and was fairly coordinated, but I can't help but think I look like Elaine Benes (from Seinnfeld) when I do my Zumba moves. I'm not quite as jerky but there are definitely some similarities--stiff upper body, arms flailing, etc. I just can't seem to get my shoulders to move along with my hips!

Despite my less than graceful moves, I find it to be a great workout and a lot of fun. And really when was the last time you used fun and workout in the same sentence? But what could be more fun than jumping around to Latin pulsating music while shaking every part of your body and working up a sweat (and I am talking the red in the face, dripping wet kind)? O.k don't answer that. But if you want to try a class where the time flies by and you can enjoy a good laugh with friends--then come and join the party!

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