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Monday, April 12, 2010

It's Raining It's Pouring

It has been raining for two days now and I'm going a bit stir crazy.  Of course this is the start of my kids' spring break, so having all four children stuck inside is getting a little old.  Yesterday we spent some of the day at Nickel City.

Nickel City is kind of like Chuck E. Cheese minus the pizza.  Video games spit out tickets that you can trade in for prizes.  It's a little funky but the kids like it.

Anyway, that was fun but the kids ran through their nickels in about 40 minutes.  Thankfully the excursion lasted 1 1/2 hours because the kids had to wait in line for the ticket counter and then in another line to decide what kind of crappy prize they were going to get.  It is amazing how difficult it is for my kids to choose between lame plastic prizes.

Today, my kids have spent the morning in front of some sort of screen.  First the television--watching the wonderful series Life on the Discovery Channel and then the computer.  I didn't feel so bad about them watching Life because it really is a terrific, educational series.  But I think I need to pull out the timer for the computer (for them and for me).

Let's just hope that the rain stops and that I can get the gang outside soon!

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