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Monday, May 10, 2010

Mother's Day Recap

At the risk of seeming like a Mother's Day bragger, I thought I'd share with you how special my Mother's Day was.  My main motivation for writing this post is to capture the day in this, my online scrapbook.

The day started with a delicious breakfast in bed.  My sweet daughter and her good friend (her mom was out of town on a camping trip with her brother), brought me a hand-made menu with all of the items listed for my morning feast.   The girls came wearing name tags (like waitresses) and a pad of paper ready to take my order.

I, of course, went for the full meal deal--fruit salad, followed by eggs benedict and sugared bacon, a raspberry scone with lemon curd and mimosa.  It was all truly delightful.

With a full tummy, I stayed in bed reading a book on my iPad (a gift to myself).  I was only interrupted to receive wonderful gifts made by my kids.  This was the best part of my day.  I received

sweet cards:

and lovingly made gifts that truly touched my heart.

I love the fact that my kids are still in elementary school and that they make Mother's Day gifts.  My middle schooler no longer does that--however he did make the hashbrowns for my eggs benny.  

After a hike at the Steven's Creek Reservoir with my husband and pooch, the whole family headed out for a fun afternoon of bowling and pizza (no cooking dinner for me--another great gift).

It was a terrific day, spent with the people I love the most--my family!


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