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Monday, September 12, 2011

Bike to School: The Road to Independence

There was a time when I did not feel it was safe to have my child walk or bike to school alone. This was especially true during the elementary school years. But now that my daughter is in middle school, she has been biking to school with a group of other neighborhood children. I have discovered how practical, energizing and what a big milestone this can be for both of us.
Was this something that happened overnight? Not exactly. We worked up to the point where my daughter had the confidence to bike the 3-mile trek one-way. The two biggest obstacles were the heavy backpack she had to bike with because her school does not have lockers for their belongings (ridiculous, I know). Secondly, she does have to cross some major streets and ride in the bike lane. That can get a little unnerving. So here's what we did to have the confidence and safety issues worked out: (continued on Yahoo! Shine)

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