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Friday, November 21, 2008

Tracking and Managing Grades--Who Should Do It?

Our school district has a great online tool that allows students and parents to check grades in real time. Want to see if a homework assignment is turned in? Just check the site. Want to see what grade your child got on Tuesday’s math test? Just log-in. Overall, I think this is a great tool and I feel fortunate to know how my child is doing before the report card comes home. But the problem is this site can become addicting and can get a mother who is prone to worrying to worry even more. I keep reminding myself that this is designed to help students keep track of their progress--that it is my son who should be checking in to see where his grade stands—not just me.

We encourage our son to look at the site at least 2 or 3 times a week. We want him to take ownership of his successes and failures. We want him to realize that he has the ability to bring up his grades before it is too late. It is a new concept to a 6th grader, especially for one who tends to be pretty laid back about his grades. So far, the online tool is working. He is becoming responsible and interested in how he is doing, which is a huge step for him. I try not to look so often. I try to remind myself that this is HIS grade—that I need to let go and this is a huge step for me.

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