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Friday, September 25, 2009

A Piece of America History

Our wonderful friend and Zumba instructor, Laura, submitted this photo for our theme of the week. This is a photo taken during their recent trip to Boston. During their Boston trip, the kids were exploring the Freedom Trail. Laura's eldest child was particularly interested in the sites because he had studied the Revolutionary War in his 5th grade social studies class. On this particular summer day it was raining and since the Trail is a walking tour they decided to spend some time in the Old State House museum. The building has several floors of memorabilia and interactive displays for children. Looking out the balcony you can see the site of the Boston Massacre. The children REALLY enjoyed going from floor to floor because of the spiral staircase in the center of the building. While Laura was looking at a photograph display on the lowest level, her children decided to go back upstairs to another part of the museum. Before she knew it, they were at the top calling down to her and that is the shot she captured.

A little about the history of the Old State House in Boston: The Old State House was the center of Boston’s civic life in the 18th century and is rich with history in the lead-up to the American Revolution. Within these walls, Samuel Adams, James Otis, John Hancock, and John Adams debated the future of the British colonies. Outside the building, five men were among the first casualties of the battle for independence, in what is now known as the Boston Massacre. The Declaration of Independence was proclaimed from the balcony to the citizens of Boston in 1776. History happened here. One of my favorite television mini series is the HBO John Adams series, and you will see this building in several scenes. If you're traveling to Boston, you have to make this a "must see" spot during your stay.

I love the way the eye follows the spiral of the stairs up to the two figures at the top of the staircase. Great Shot!

Send us your best shot to blog.tina@yahoo.com.

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