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Friday, February 12, 2010

Back to School--The Learning Continues

I've gone back to school.  Yes, I the word co-ed would aptly describe me these days.

Well, actually I'm only taking one class at my local community college but let's not split hairs.  Anyway, you can find me and my blogging partner/business partner/terrific friend,   toting our backpacks (full of camera equipment) at WVCC where we are working on fine tuning our photographic eye and skills.

Our assignment for this past week was to take pictures that reflected the meaning of composition.  Everyone had to submit two photos via Flickr and during class we reviewed each student's submissions.

It was a fun exercise that resulted in a variety of different photos and different views of what "composition" means.

The photo below was one that I submitted.  It's of a palm that I pass everyday in my neighbor's yard.  I liked the linear pattern and the way the setting sun put this geometric leaf in silhouette.  The jagged, flowing pattern reminded me of the lights on a ferris wheel or a partial starburst.

Our assignment for next week is to submit four photos--one on texture, tone, lines, and shape.  I'm excited to capture these details and to look at my surroundings in a new way.  To notice things that I might have missed before.

We invite you to join us on our photographic journey and submit a photo that you feel represents one of these categories.  Maybe it will inspire you (like it has us) to look at simple objects through a new lens.

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