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Friday, April 2, 2010

The Prostate Cancer Series

Over the next few weeks, I will be writing about my husband's and my personal story battling prostate cancer.  We hope that by writing about it, it will help other families going through the same ordeal, as there is hope at the end of the journey.  We'd love to hear your own personal story if you are willing to share, please leave a comment so others can benefit from what you've learned along the way.

Another friend battling melanoma put it so eloquently.  There are many gifts in life that are illuminated when battling cancer.  I hope to convey all that we've learned and all that we've cherished in our journey in this series.  Livestrong - live each day like it's your last.  These posts will appear in a new section on our blog.   Check out the right hand corner of our blog to see the latest entry, I hope to post about every three days or so.  Here's my first entry.  Thanks for reading.

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