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Monday, September 19, 2011

All I Ever Needed To Learn As a Mom I Learned in Flight Attendant School

I was searching for some photos the other day, the ones where I was a Pan Am flight attendant many years ago. I saw that there is going to be a new TV show called "Pan Am" and that triggered my hunt for these photos. It was a scavenger hunt of my past but would reveal my life as it is today.
After a week of searching, I found the photos. With these photos in my hands, I sat outside and reflected on my time as a flight attendant. A million memories started circling in my mind like a Kodak carousel. It was at that point that it dawned on me. My experience as a flight attendant was a precursor to my life as a mom. Being a flight attendant was the best preparation ever for my role as a parent:  (Please link here for the rest of the story on Yahoo! Shine)

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