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Monday, October 10, 2011

Is Your Family Ready for a Pet?

According to a 2009-2010 survey by theAmerican Pet Products Manufacturers Association (APPMA) an estimated 71.4 million families in the United States own a pet. That equates to 62 percent of U.S. households. The most popular animal by far is a cat, with 93.6 million purring in their owner's laps and 77.5 million dogs burying bones in their owner's backyard.

Pets offer wonderful companionship. Studies indicate that people with pets live longer. Companion animals trigger a relaxation response in humans and provide a reason to get moving. Whether it is walking your dog or relaxing with your meowing cat, pets are a growing trend in the U.S.
Before you impulsively buy a pet you need to consider all of the following questions to be sure you're ready to commit to this new, long-term relationship. It's a serious commitment and one that should not be taken lightly:
  • Who will be the main caregiver for the pet? Your five-year old child may be begging the loudest for a dog or cat, but most likely isn't ready for all of the responsibility. Consider having them take care of a neighbor's pet with your supervision for the weekend and see if they really have the desire to do the dirty work in addition to the "fun" part of owning a pet. See also the last question about "age appropriate" pets.
  • What is the annual cost of owning a pet? According to family resource, the cost of owning a pet is between $7-$14 per week, or $355-$730 a year (this includes food, annual shots, leashes, collars, tags, toys). In addition don't forget the cost for the pet itself which ranges from free adoptions to thousands of dollars for pure breeds.  Click to Continue to the rest of the article.

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