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Friday, January 13, 2012

One Little Word Project

by Kristina

Instead of compiling a list of resolutions, this year I'm participating in Ali Edward's One Little Word Project.   I heard about this project from various bloggers and online groups and decided that this would be a great project to be a part of. 

The idea is to pick a word for the year that will be your driving force.....your mantra.. a word that you can reflect upon as you go about your daily life.   The word can be a thought, feeling, verb, or noun.  It doesn't really matter.  The important part is finding a word that resonates with you. 

As a class participant, each month I will receive a reminder message and a writing or creative prompt related to my word.  At the end of the year, the idea is that I'll have an album that celebrates and honors my word.  Sounds like fun, eh?

After contemplating words like SIMPLIFY, BE, EXPLORE, CREATE,  DREAM,  EXPAND...... I decided on the word FOCUS.    I think it stood out because I realized that the word list I was creating was all over the map and as much as I wanted to explore new ideas, I also wanted to simplify my life.    So for me, FOCUS seemed to be the shoe that fit.  It is a word that I can apply to my life in so many ways........

  • Focus on my photography business and the types of work I enjoy doing most (family and children's lifestyle photography).
  • Focus on the projects at hand before adding more to my plate--I think this is why I sometimes feel so scattered.
  • Focus on my family--creating quality time without distractions.
  • Focus on my friendships-- both old and new and near and far.
  • Focus on what I'm doing right now...in this moment.
I'm looking forward to 2012......a year where I will have a little more focus.  What is your word? Please share in the comments below.

1 comment:

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