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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Power of Affirmations: A Year of Self-Reflection 366/365

This is the year of SELF-REFLECTION 366/2012 for me.  I  have developed my own list of one-word affirmations for the year.  This list will help keep me grounded and focused.  It's not a road map or a navigation system.  These affirmations are a way of thinking - to help overcome any obstacle in my life journey and to remind me about the important elements in life.

My list of affirmations are reflected in just one word for each month and an overall word for the year:

2012 - Transformative

  • January - Beginnings
  • February - Love
  • March - Fortune
  • April - Blossom
  • May - Meditative
  • June - Cause
  • July - Remember
  • August - Change
  • September - Assemble
  • October - Formative
  • November - Rememberance
  • December - Devotion

Last year was a year of intense sadness and grief for me.  It made me stop and take stock of everything around me.  For that I am grateful.  My affirmations were carefully thought out.

If it is helpful for you to do the same, take a moment to reflect on what is important to you. RIGHT  NOW.  Where do you want to be today, tomorrow and a year from now.  Think for a moment about how will you get there.  What themes can you surround yourself with to bring you closer to your dreams?

Or are you living that dream already?

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