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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Project Vision 12/2012

by Tina Garbern Case

 "The true purpose of self-reflection is to correct our mistaken thoughts and actions, and learn from them, thereby creating a more constructive life. Self-reflection is not just the simple act of discovering past mistakes and making up for these mistakes, like resetting a negative to zero. The ultimate objective of self-reflection is the development of a more positive self and the realization of a utopia on earth as the fulfilment of God’s will."  - From the book: Ten Principles of Universal Wisdom

Ok, so if you follow this blog, or our Moms Who Click blog, you probably heard about our photography project called Project 365.  Well this year I've decided to just roll that photography project into a Project Vision 12/2012 (it is a Leap Year).  I thought calling it Project Me sounded a little egotistical.  But maybe it is.  And maybe that's okay.

The last part of 2011 was a blur to me.  My wonderful big brother passed away in November, a mere 4 months after we learned he had pancreatic cancer.  That moment has altered my very core.  I feel like I have to find new meaning to the things in my life and prioritize diligently.  With meaning.  With care.

During the last two weeks of last year my whole family knew I was on a rampage.  I wanted to clean up the house.  I had neglected it for so long when I was going back and forth to visit my brother.  When I was home I was not in the mood to clean.   I had too much on my mind, on my heart.

But now it feels good to be doing something.  To get rid of the clutter on the outside and get organized inside and out.  In my house, and in my soul.  To help clarify my mind, body and my soul.  To feel whole again.

So follow me as I write about my Project Me, which will include DIY projects, organizing projects and my photography.  My friend K will also post here whenever the mood strikes her.  She's amazing when it comes to crafting projects.  I want to do these amazing photo magnets for  another project I have in mind.

Stay tuned, it will be a great year.

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