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Tuesday, July 31, 2012

7 Nostaligic Experiences for My Children

by Tina
With the lazy days of summer in full swing it dawned on me while watching my kids lying on the sofa and glued to their "iDevices" that I have a bucket list of nostalgic things I want them to experience. My kids and all future generations may never know what it's like NOT to be connected electronically. So I made a short bucket list of things I want them to see, do and check out.

Some of them may seem like chores, like ironing. But they are also life experiences that will give them a fuller appreciation for what they have. Reliving these through my kids also takes me back to my youth. I realize I've got to get my 85 year-old mom to make her own bucket list of things to show me before she forgets the speed at which life moves.

TV Dinners
The simplest days of my childhood included going to the grocery store with my mom to pick out my favorite TV dinner before she and my dad had a night out. It would always be a Swanson TV dinner in an aluminum tray sectioned off for each course. My favorites included Salisbury steak, lasagna and fried chicken. I remember disliking the peas and carrots and savoring the dessert for last. I was always excited when my big brother, who was in charge when my parents went out, took out our hot TV dinners from the oven (we didn't own a microwave until I was 15) and knowing that us kids would be on our own for the night.[Continued on yahoo]

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