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Tuesday, July 10, 2012

ORTHAHEEL Foot Care: Healthy Steps

I've been searching for a great summer sandal for a few seasons.  Last year I purchased a cheap sandal that fell apart before summer's end.  They looked like they would provide good arch support but ultimately they did not.  I was provided* with a pair of black Orthaheel "Tide" sandals and as soon as I got them I tried them out for the day.

Foot care and foot health is extremely important.  We are on our feet throughout the day on varying terrain.  If we do not have proper arch support our posture is affected as is our over all body alignment.  Sometimes our back aches and foot pains stem from poor shoe support.

Studies have shown that Orthaheel helps restore the foot's natural alignment and enable the foot, ankle and leg to function properly. After several days of wearing footwear with proper support your entire body is more in alignment and many aches and pains disappear.

I did not suffer from any unusual pain but I did notice that I did not mind standing at counter level rather than sit to work on my computer all day.  That's a great benefit for folks who are used to sitting all day working at a desk.  I've seen more and more people who are opting for raised table tops and standing to do their work to avoid fatigue and from sitting all day long.

Orthaheel's approach to foot health has been endorsed by Dr. Andrew Weil.  To learn more about Orthaheel and Dr. Weil's support, go to www.orthaheelusa.com.

So far so good.  I have to say these are the first summer sandals I have had that have great support and are comfortable and stylish.  They are not at all flimsy like the old $2 flip flop that provides zero support.  So check them out. You can find them at Zappos,  one of our favorite online shoe stores! 

Disclaimer: I was provided with a pair of Orthaheel sandals.  All opinions I share freely and are entirely my own.

1 comment:

  1. Will definitely try it. I am for standing at work or when doing something on the computer because it is better for the health.


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