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Monday, January 30, 2012

Project Vision 12/2012 - Step Three: Prioritizing Lists

by Tina

Look for my Project Vision 12/2012 posts on Mondays.

One of the areas I have to truly concentrate on is prioritizing my lists.  When I have too much on  my plate it helps if I can chip away at the list one by one.  It feels really good to cross things off my to-do list.  When the tasks are a chore or "un-fun" - that's when I have to work, and I mean REALLY work, at getting that task completed.  I can put it off ... and off... again.

For me the trick is to ask myself these questions:
  • Is there a deadline or consequence if I don't get it done? (for instance, April 15th Tax Date is always a big deadline in our household.   No WAY do I want to pay more taxes than I have to.)
  • Is it a want versus a need? (Do I just want something or do I really need to have it?)
  • Can I delegate it to someone else? (I usually hope that I can)
  • Will it feel good to get it off my plate and be done with it? (yes, undoubtedly) 
  • What are the ramifications if I don't accomplish this task? (similar to #1, but does it impact anyone else around me if I don't get this task completed?)
  • What is the urgency based on HIGH - MEDIUM - LOW? (OK, everything better not be LOW)
  • And I must repeat this question again (Am I sure I can't delegate it to someone else?)
How do you motivate yourself and prioritize your list of THINGS TO DO with your LIFE?

I would love to meet someone who has this figured out.  I have to say as the years go by I get more done just because I hate having things hanging over my head and carrying a big to-do list.

The cleaner my desk and the less on my list, the better I feel.  That alone helps me move foward and get more done in LIFE.

What are your tricks for getting things cross off your TO-DO list?

Project Vision Posts:
Step 10: Achieving your Dreams
Step 9: Take Risks
Step 8: Seek a Mentor
Step 7: Take a Class
Step 6: Listen to your Heart
Step 5: Gratitude Attitude
Step 4: Creative Workflow
Step 3: Prioritizing Lists
Step 2: Discovering your Passion and Setting Goals
Step 1: Getting Organized and Decluttered

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