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Friday, June 8, 2012

I Heart Faces: All Boy

Tina Case Photography
This week the challenge for I Heart Faces is "ALL BOY." I don't have boys of my own, I have 3 daughters. I can't imagine what it would have been like to have a son. But I do have friends with boys and BOY do I see a difference :)

I love this photo because of all the elements.  His arm frames his face, but the focus is on what he's looking at, the frog.  The frog is saying "Let me out!"  And the boy has bandages on his hand because of all the mischief and scrapes he gets into. 

Click I Heart Faces to see more about this photo challenge!

Photo Challenge Submission


  1. Great picture! He definitely is a boy from the frog in the cup to the band-aids on his hand. :0)


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