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Saturday, August 7, 2010

Savoring the Remaining Days of Summer

This summer has flown by.  It seems that only yesterday, we were dragging home brown bags brimming with artwork, Flat Stanley projects, old math worksheets, chewed up pencils and report cards.

Now we are busy shopping for backpacks, compasses, lunch boxes and binders.  How can it be that school starts for my kids in less than two weeks?  How is it possible that I have two middle schoolers and two 4th graders--my babies are now part of the "upper grades."

I just want time to slow down........

We have had a wonderful summer, full of fun trips (Tahoe, camping, Spain, and Illinois) and I just don't want it to end.  I love having my kids around, even if I have to break up an occasional fight, hear a bit of whining, or monitor the tv.  I relish staying up late (roasting marshmallows outside by our firepit) and not setting an alarm clock.

But all good things must come to an end......

As the clock ticks down to the start of school, I will savor these remaining days of summer with my kids.

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